Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chris - 7.07

53:19 - 7:32 pace (split: 27:18/26:01)

I should have done this run on Sunday. I needed to go to bed early since I had a tee time Sunday @ 6:30am, but instead I went on this run and ended up going to bed at like 11:30 and sleeping through my alarm. So not only did I have to wake up and rush out the door, I also played like crap and shot a 98. The run itself went pretty darn well, considering I destroyed the time I had on Tuesday for this same route. In other news, the guy I thought I was going to move in with backed out on me (idiot), so instead of having a relaxing weekend of golf and running, I'm stressing out about having a place to move into next weekend. Wish me luck!


  1. nice work another on long run. those 6-7 milers will really help your 5k.

    hey you should just move in with luke in eugene and tell him to ditch that 7 foot tall that is moving in...

  2. meant to have the word "giant" after tall

  3. Yeah I'm really hoping that this training will pay off and I'll get a good time. Thanks man, I'm pursuing another place now - put in an application yesterday and should hear back soon. My last ditch would be to move into my parents until I found another place.
