Monday, July 6, 2009

James - 5.1


About the same distance, had to make a small diversion. Still feeling under the weather somewhat. Went to the dentist today and got shitty treatment. I hate my dentist! I saw him "running" to his car and leaving before I had even left, so obviously he had rushed through my appointment somewhat.

Toothache is also causing me to have weird sleeping times, so I ran at nearly 10pm, which I haven't done in a long time. It got dark by the time I got back. At least it wasn't as hot.

8 minute miles. I'm happy with the distance but not that pace. I entered that 10K race which is already under 2 months away on 6th September, so I want to get ready.


  1. Glad you registered for a race! Doing that always helps make one run more. Which I endorse, in case you didn't know.

  2. Yeh dentists get paid so much for such a small amount of work. They just come in the room and play with your teeth for a few minutes and they're done. Anyway, also glad to see you have a race on the docket.
