Sunday, January 22, 2012

Luke - 18

18mi, 2:12:03 (7:20)
Ran out on the logging road in Springfield with a fairly large group, including Zack. There were 14 of us (and one dog) to start, but three or four guys went ahead a lot faster and half the people turned around somewhere before nine miles. I was going to turn around at ~8.25 miles because I only wanted to do 16.5, but another guy convinced me to go the rest of the way with them. I felt all right on the way out (68:37, 7:37 pace)...on the way back we picked it up a little and at about three miles to go I was falling off the back of the group. I made an effort to catch back up at about two miles to go, but my legs started hurting in a not-just-fatigue way so I backed off. Last mile and a half was a struggle (should have just done 16.5!) but I still negative-split by almost nine minutes (63:26, 7:02 pace).
Afterwards, went home and watched football all day.

1 comment:

  1. does every freaking state have a city called Springfield?
