Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Luke - 11.75

11.75mi, 93:41 (7:58)
Over to the relentless hills area, through the dirtbike course, across 30th, did the LCC jogging/hiking trail, headed up to the power lines behind LCC, then West to hook up with Dillard, down the trail that connects Dillard and Rexius (which was formerly closed off, but has since been cleared, probably by mountain bikers--trusty cyclists, crafty cyclists!), then Rexius back to Amazon and home.  Felt really good just about the whole way.  Took it pretty easy to start but wasn't too sluggish even up and down the crazy hills.  Usually when I get to Rexius I dread having to take the boring flat bark home like always, but today I was bouncing along.  Also when you are running at 10am on a weekday in Eugene you see lots of really good runners.  Oh, hi former Pac-10 XC champion and 2:15 marathoner.  Thanks for the honk and wave, former Olympian.  Yes, I will return the big smile and wave to the 4th-place Olympian.  That was a nice-looking 27-second 200m repeat, former NCAA XC champion, I'm amazed that you are able to look so relaxed as you smile and give me a wave.

I had planned on 8-10 miles on trails today, but this morning convinced myself to take this route, which has been as long as 13.5 miles before, when I have wandered around a bit.  I was able to whittle it down to this distance, which I am calling 11.75 but of course I have no idea of the actual length.  The last three miles were 7-flat pace.