Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Alison - 5

Distance: 5 miles; Time: 46:22; Locale: Treadmill

It's already too hot here in Florida to run outside, so I had to do it inside my gym where they play Rihanna and JoJo and Pink nonstop. Grah.

Anyway, sometimes water just feels too hard on my stomach when I run, so I make an electrolyte energy drink that is a lot like Gatorade/Powerade minus all the empty calories, sugar, and corn syrup. (I am the worst UF alum ever).

I use 1-2 tsp of apple cider vinegar and stir it into 8+ oz (usually 16oz) of cold water, white tea, or decaf green tea. I then add a splash of juice or agave nectar or raw honey to take the edge off and give it flavor. I like using agave nectar because it is low glycemic. 

For my apple cider vinegar, I personally use Bragg's, but you can use any store brand or whatever you have at home. Lots of people tend to keep ACV at home to clean out their coffee pots, but it's really awesome this way. You can also mix it with some extra virgin olive oil and some lemon juice and make a nice salad vinaigrette. 

I know this sounds really weird but give it a go. It's really nice in the morning to shake off the cob webs or during a workout/run if you also have issues with drinking pure water. Let me know what you think. I tried this out after my yoga instructor mentioned it, and found the recipe here.


  1. i run on the mill a fair amount too. do you set your incline to 1? i heard that makes it almost as hard as running outside. i found it helps me adjust better when i do hit the streets. i definitely need to hit up some yoga and/or pilates. isn't pilates a lot of core work?

  2. Honestly I think yoga is more core work and pilates works your limbs more. There are definitely intersections between the two practices though. It really helps improve balance and flexibility which I think have been catalysts to my own improvement. It also really firms up your back, which really has helped a lot of yogalates-runners avoid injury.

    I usually set my incline to 0.5 because I am a weiner. My gym has one of those incline treadmills though so sometimes I jog on it with an incline of 10.0 (and sometimes 15.0) for about 15 mins. I have to make sure I have a protein shake afterward or I will get the shin splints from hell.
