Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chris - 1.9

I really felt like running today since I finally signed up to run a 5k with Luke. I'm always more motivated when I have a race in the distance to look forward to - I guess it's the competitive side of me that wants to make sure I run as well as I can since I'm paying money to do it! Anyway, I did the larger of the two smallish loops I've been running in the neighborhoods around here. First 1/4 mile was slightly uphill, which was nice cuz it made me concentrate on my form and picking up my feet. My hip didn't hurt today, but I can still feel that it isn't nearly 100% when it comes to taking the impact of continuous running. I do think it's odd that I don't notice that while playing basketball though; I guess that's more sprinting than anything else. This was weird - I felt like I had to push at the end of the run, but then when I got done sprinting to my imaginary finish line and was walking a cool down lap, I felt like I could've run more. I guess that's a good sign! Final time was 13:44 (7:13)

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about running to your best when you're paying for it (and wanting to get a high ranking cause you're competitive). What they charge just to run around public streets, bullshitto!
