Thursday, June 24, 2010

Zack - 1.0 +recent breakthroughs

Beer mile at South Eugene: 8:41 (74 sec PR from the last one)

Epic racing from Luke (6:46) and my buddy Dave (7:21). Both PRs as well.

Speaking of PRs, I was able to run the Datalogic 5km last Saturday in 17:48 (5:44/mi)!!
8th place/69. It was certainly a very competitive race for the small field. Two were <15 min and a few others were close by since a small cash prize was involved.

Splits were 5:46, 5:45, 6:15 (1.1 mi, 5:41/mi!).

I was a bit worried about breaking 18 after the first mile, I was hoping to get some time in the bank and be in the 5:30s. But I kept a steady pace with Dave pacing me well from about 200m in the race until just before the end (where he stepped off the course, pacing duties completed). I managed to actually have a kick towards the end and was very happy for the PR. I have been lazy about posting but have managed 16 days in a row of running with weeks of 46, 46, and looking to be >50 this week.

This week also included an epic trail run from our house on Hilyard to the top of Spencer's Butte. 13 miles, 1 hr 44 min, 1600' climb in 3 miles in the middle of the run!

I also love the summer weather that has finally hit Eugene! Cheers, happy World Cup viewing this weekend.

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