Sunday, June 6, 2010

Zack - 9.5

9.5 miles 68:38 (7:13)

Both loops of Pre's Trail + 1.7 mi barefoot. Warmed up for the first 15-20 min, increased to a moderate pace from about 20-30 min on the long loop of Pre's. Hit the short loop and quickened the pace and cruised the 1.4 mile loop in 9:31 (6:47 pace). Longest stretch of barefoot for me yet with 12:49 out on the Riverfront field. It was very strange weather, with an initial rain shower followed by warm and humid air (for Eugene). I lost the shirt midway through the run and worked up quite a sweat. I will try to keep my mileage up this week, however it is the last week of the term and I am already losing sleep. However, by Friday I will have finished the first academic year of graduate school! Then it is just research this summer and long runs out in the sun. I cannot wait! Keep up the solid mileage guys, and Steve I am jealous of the Ronins you sent Luke that are sitting nearby as I type this. Sweet!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you posting regularly again buddy! Have fun with the last week of the term =P
