Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chris - 3.1

Crawfish Crawl 5k - 21:11 - 6:50 pace

Goddammit I'm slow. My buddy Darren beat me. Four other guys I also work with actually ran in it, which I didn't know until I saw them while I was getting my packet this morning. I also forgot to hit my watch at the 2nd mile mark. Guess this can be my motivation to run more before I do another race in a month or two. I decided I'm going to screw all of these long ass runs just to get mileage for the week, and start running shorter routes as hard as I can until I whip my ass into good shape, with some longer runs thrown in for good measure.

Disappointed and pissed.

mile 1 - 6:31
mile 2 and 3 - 14:07
last .1 - 31 sec


  1. Do 1 tempo run, 1 long run, and 1 interval workout per week. If you want to run more than that, add easy runs in on the other days.

  2. seconded. luke knoweth the truth
