Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chris - 5.04

40:42 - 8:04 pace

Decent run, felt like I was dying at the end though. Managed to summon enough energy to power my legs up my little steep hill at the end to my house. My stupid knee has been bothering me this week, hope that goes away soon.

I need to do a shorter run this week or next to get the feeling of speed back in my legs before the race! Speaking of which I need to sign up for that...DONE!


  1. Yeah a 5k. I have no idea what time I'm going to shoot for, which kinda sucks, but w/e. I'm guessing to break 20 - 19:30 may be a long shot...

  2. Just run hard Chris and let the pace take care of itself, you got it dude!
