Saturday, September 3, 2011

Luke - 15

15mi, 1:47:54 (7:11)
Headed out to River Road with Zack for a long road run. First ten miles took it relatively easy, then tried to pick it up the last five. 57:10 (7:37 pace) for the first half (it was an out-and-back course) and 75:21 (7:31 pace) at the point we picked it up, approximately 10 miles. Zack wanted to gradually accelerate to about 6:15 pace and I wanted to just go fast from the get go and see what pace it ended up being. My stomach was hurting a bit and it really started affecting me a little over a mile into the fast section. There were mile markers, but we didn't start exactly at one of them so we got reminders of pace but not an overall exact report. My first recorded mile of the fast section was 6:33 and I was hurting not just from my stomach but also my eyes--it was getting pretty hot and the sun was relentless out there, and I'd gone shirtless so I wasn't able to really wipe the sweat out of my eyes, so it was just constant discomfort from that. My next mile was 7:09 as my stomach really started cramping up, and Zack passed me right around there. About a half a mile later I had to stop, and just standing there for a minute helped a ton, and I was able to pick it up from there. It still hurt a bit, but I could see Zack way off in the distance (it's a pretty straight road) which was good motivation. My next mile split was 6:58 because half of it was before stopping and half was after; the next one was 5:49 and I caught Zack right after that. My overall pace for the last five miles was right about 6:30, which is all right under the conditions.

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