Saturday, April 14, 2012

Luke - 18

18mi, 2:31:03 (8:23)
Good long run. Ran up to the East end of Ridgeline, took the trail to the West end, then came back to Fox Hollow and home the usual way from there. I took a gel in my back pocket but forgot I had it till I was about a mile from home...would have been nice to have taken it 10-12 miles in, my legs were pretty dead the whole way back from where I turned around on the trail. I definitely don't feel as awful as I might've expected a hilly 18 to make me, though...guess I'm in okay shape. Did four (4) pull-ups on the way home.

1 comment:

  1. Steve's comment on the older post reminded me, I forgot to add my pull-ups on this run.
