Friday, April 27, 2012

Luke - 4.25

4.25mi, 33:16 (7:49)
Easy am run.  Mile loops of 8:02, 7:45, and 7:37.


  1. Just noticed that Luke has his full name on his bio. Has that always been there?

  2. I don't think it has. I wonder if Luke is making himself available for search engines so companies can give him more free stuff/make him a star.

  3. You're just about right, James! I Googled myself like a month ago and the results were mostly not me, and when I added "runner" to the search the results that were me were from other people's blogs, on their race recaps when they had beaten me! One was a super-fast guy that totally beat me in a Beer Mile; whatever; the other was a guy that beat me by six minutes when I ran two extra miles in this race, and he didn't mention in his race recap that this had happened. Must have slipped his mind. Anyway I have been trying to find places to put my full name in blog posts but there aren't many places to do so...hopefully it being on the side is enough to allow ALL those THOUSANDS of people Googling me to find this instead of that other trash.
