Sunday, April 1, 2012

Steve - 5.2

Carlsbad 5000. Finally I got to run the race I've been wanting to for a few years. I was gunning for a sub 19 5K and I knew there would be ample competition to get me there. The race was a late start (11:30 am) for my age division which was fine with me cuz Carlsbad is like a 95 mile drive from where I live.

I busted out my Asics Sortie Supermagic racing flats, which I haven't worn for almost 2 years. My plan was to go out around 6:05 and then see if I could maintain that for mile 2. Well I got caught up in the start and ended up running 5:56. It didn't feel like I was going that fast of course, but then it never feels too fast in the first mile. After the first mile we turned onto a road parallel to the ocean. I made sure to keep moving up in the field which is usually a good way to make sure you're not slowing down. We hit a turnaround and immediately ran into a decent headwind. I tried to keep my pace but it was tough. Once we turned back onto another round, the wind wasn't as bad. I hit the second mile in 6:14.6, which was much slower than I wanted. I knew it was going to be tough to not lose time on third mile as well. It didn't help matters that the course was set up where we would have another turnaround. I don't like turnarounds because I think it's kind of demoralizing running the same stretch again. The usual out-and-back course is fine because you know exactly what you're working with at the halfway point. Once I got to the turn, I was running on fumes. Some fast runner chicks were trying to pass me and I tried to stay with them. Lots of people were slowing down while others were zooming by me. I knew the final .2 or so was downhill so I was just trying to get that. Finally we turned onto the homestretch. I zoomed by the 3 mile marker and took the split without looking. I managed to have a decent kick and pass a few people. As I approached the line I heard the announcer say this group coming was just over 6 minute mile pace and I knew I hadn't met my goal. Hit the line in 19:04. Third mile split was 6:19 and final .1 in 34 seconds. Probably the .1 was a bit short I'm guessing.

Afterwards we watched the elite race which was pretty interesting. It was won in a time of 13:11, which means I'm only 6 minutes back of the best runners in the world. Gonna try to convince you Oregonians to come out for again next year. I think you'll run big PRs. Also we had some beer and pizza in some place jammed with tons of people because they were giving out free pizza slices to race participants who bought a drink. I ended up getting pretty sick that night with a cold, complicating my preparations for the Hollywood Half Marathon on the next Saturday.

(5:56, 6:14.6, 6:19, 34)
20:23 wup


  1. Cool. Not bad, really your first real race back from your injury. A good jumping-off point.

  2. Well done Steve, you're back baby.

  3. Pretty good time Steve! Sounds like it was a good're definitely back!

  4. Thanks guys! I hope I can keep it up.
