Sunday, April 7, 2013

Luke - 12

12mi, 88:28 (7:22)
Was going to wake up at 7am and have a leisurely breakfast and decide whether or not to meet the group at 8 for the long run at 8:30 a half hour away, but I woke up at 7:57 with my alarm turned off and just decided to go without seeing how my legs felt first.  Was out the door in about 5 minutes and I had Siri text one of the guys to let them know to wait for me.  Got to Cottage Grove Lake a couple minutes after 8:30 and another guy showed up about 1 minute later so I did pretty well.
The loop around the lake is 8.6 miles and I ran that with the group feeling pretty good until my stomach started bothering me about 7 miles in.  Luckily there is a bathroom where we park so I was able to use that when we paused for Gatorade and stuff at the cars.  When we started back up again the group was going a bit quick, like 7-flat pace, and my legs were starting to feel yesterday's race, so I hung back after a half mile. I only planned on 12 so I turned around about ten minutes later, and our friend Thomas was doing the same so we ran back to the parking lot together.
I hadn't brought much in the way of a change of clothes but I had a too-small sweatshirt and jeans to put on over my running shorts, so Thomas and I went to a nice little coffee shop on the way back into town.

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