Sunday, April 14, 2013

Luke - 16.75

16.75mi, 1:59:14 (7:07)
Long run with a couple other guys on a logging road.  It was closed a little past 5 miles in so we turned around there; Thomas wanted to run shorter so he just went back, and Kevin and I went back until about an hour, then after I took a pitstop we turned around again and headed back out to the same place before coming back.  The second half we were going a good bit faster than the first half, and with 2 or 3 miles to go my stomach started hurting again and my legs didn't have much left either.  I let Kevin go (he also did three extra miles at the end) and made it back pretty slowly.  With my fast third quarter and slow fourth quarter of the run, I ended up having almost the exact same splits for the first half as the second half: 59:39 and 59:35.


  1. And since I know someone would ask, no, this is a different (much faster) Kevin than the one that posted here for a few months.

  2. I actually didn't conceive of that possibility. You over estimate me.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Are logging roads twisty and turny? In other words, is it kinda dangerous to run down?

  5. Nah, the surface is usually pavement, but with some dirt and tree-debris (not removed by constant cars) softening it up a bit. They are long, which is good for runners looking for an easy route with minimal stops, and this particular one (I'm not sure if this is true of most logging roads) has gradual rolling hills over much of it, which is often sought by those in marathon training.
