Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chris - 5.43

35:08 - 6:28 pace

First run around my new place. I think this is the first time since running with Luke that I've left the house without having a route drawn out. I knew there were a couple trails that ran off the main road and I wanted to check them out. They weren't as long as I had hoped, but pretty fun nonetheless. I don't really believe my pace for this one, even though I meticulously drew out my route on mapmyrun.com when I got back home. I guess it's possible since I stopped a few times to figure out where to go next, and there were hills I went up and then back down.

The inside of my right knee was bothering me today; both at work and on my run. I think I might've strained it while moving. I'm wondering if I should take off Thursday if it continues to be tight? I guess I'll see how it feels....obviously even though it bothered me intermittently on this run, I was able to run a decent pace. I'm just concerned if I really push it with my 2 miles on Thursday that it'll bother me more on Saturday during the race - and then I'll be pissed if it affects my time.


  1. i would just do them real easy on a soft surface if possible. good luck on Saturday!

  2. Yeah the 2 miles 2 days before the race should be easy, just with a few strides at the end if you feel like it. The purpose of it is to loosen you up.

  3. Oh haha good to know! I was going to do them hard. My knee seems to be a little less tight today, so I'll probably do the 2 miles tomorrow. Thanks for the good luck wishes!

  4. Well done on that great pace, and again - good luck!
