Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chris/James - 3.8


It's another USA record for me and all I had to do was team up with the MIGHTY Chris Breen. Okay, we stopped a few times, in particular for a couple of minutes at the 20-minute mark, but still. He came up from Venice to St. Pete on Tuesday evening, and after greetings we went for this run along the trail and round the nearby park. Later on, Alison came in from work and we went to Tijuana Flats, where I got myself two AmeriMex meals but it turned out to be too much. Farttastic. Then we went to The Globe and had drinks. Throw in some Gamecube and Lord of the Rings talk and that about sums up our evening. Alison and I agree that Chris is super.

The Some Running network coalesces! Hope we can all run together sometime!


  1. * Tex Mex not AmeriMex, weirdo.

    ** super-duper

    Also, Tijuana Flats is the same counter-service place we took you to, Benito
