Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Luke - 2.9

2.9mi, 23:05 (7:57)
My bike fell apart on the way to work so I had to run home in the morning. I took the opportunity to wear my new Adidas Adizero Rocket Ekidens. They were a bit rigid, but the fit was okay. We'll see how they work out as I break them in.


  1. Very attractive shoes.. what colour are yours?

    How come you had them at work though? Were you wearing them anyway or did you have them stashed there for just such a bike-collapsing occasion?

  2. They are pink, just like the picture!

    When I need to run home from work, I drive the taxi home at the end of my shift, change into running clothes and drop my taxi stuff off, and then drive back to where I need to drop the taxi off and I'm good to go. It's nice having a job that gives me that much freedom.

  3. Well hooray for the pink!

    Ahh, I see. The irony that results from a carless person driving for a living, it's a complicated weave! It's good that they allow you to do that, just a shame you have to go so back and forth. Sorry for the dull questions.
