Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Steve - 7.6

Track workout with Flyers. I got there a bit early and did a longer warmup. The workout was 6x800. We were supposed to do 400 recovery but the group I was running with was doing a lazy 100m out, 100m back slow ass recovery that I started doing too. Workout went really well. I was shooting for about 3:00 for each 800 and I was right on. On the last one me and another guy decided to get under 3 if we could and we nailed a 2:53. I busted out my Brooks T4 flats that I haven't worn for ages for this workout. I think I'm ready to start wearing flats for some workouts. It certainly helps me run them a bit faster. I also ordered some Asics GT 1150s today for 56 bucks from Zappos. One day VIP shipping because I'm awesome so maybe they will come tomorrow. They are the cheaper and lighter version of the 2150s. I got about 450 miles out of a pair of those before they got totally messed up by a really muddy run I did in them.

2.28 miles in 20:47 wup
6x800m in 2:59, 3:00, 3:01, 3:03, 3:00, 2:53 (about 1000 m in recovery)
1.7 miles in 16:02 cd


  1. 6 x 800 is a killer workout! Your fitness is looking great, I expect some positive things soon.

  2. Thanks man! Yeh I felt great. Hoping for a mid 18s or so 5k in 10 days. You post your marathon story yet? I heard bits and pieces from Luke..
