Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Luke - 8.75

8.75mi, 60:07 (6:52)
Fox Hollow. 7:58 up, 6:39 down. Thought I might have a chance at sub-60; I needed 6-flat pace the last three 6:02 pace.
On my way back three UO women's track runners were ahead of me--Jordan Hasay, Alex Kosinski, and the crazy-hot girl I need to marry. As I came up behind them I said "On your left," then said, "Thanks" as I passed them, and crazy-hot girl said, and I'll never forget this, "Uh-huh."
She totally wants me.


  1. That is awesome, and I agree. Kosinski is pretty hot herself. Hasay looks like a 12 year old in the pictures I found of her.

  2. Sweet. You know the name of this young las? I dig the smiley (sad) face too.

  3. Maybe she has the same name as the young lady Chris is training with. That would be awesome.
