Thursday, June 14, 2012

Alison - 3.5

A husband and wife got on treadmills on either side of me (instead of next to each other, which they could have done), presumably to irritate the pea soup out of me. I couldn't hear my book on tape (and it was getting to the part where Ebert was talking about Cannes for goodness sake!) so I put on Bloc Party instead and now I probably have premature hearing loss because they were chattering So Loud. Then the husband stopped his treadmill and got on his wife's treadmill Behind Her and I was so afraid he was going to fall off and into me and then there would be the unholy rage that only can come from a Type-B personality when you push them too far. But it didn't and I am still sweet as pie!

James biked across the floor from me (my row of treadmills is in a balcony/loft area overlooking some weight machines and his bike was on a similar balcony on the opposite side of that room) so we were able to wave.

This was about 33 minute run (I didn't count my 5-min warm up) and then I did 3.5 miles on the bike with James for symmetry and then we went home and ate two cloves of raw garlic apiece for various health benefits. And oh man, it's quite an undertaking.

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