Monday, June 25, 2012

Luke - 6.4

6.4mi, 58:24 (9:07)
Ran the Butte to Butte course with that chick...she wanted to run the course at least once before running the actual race so I said I'd show her the course.  When we were coming down the hill there was a turkey and I chased it a bit, and then I saw a portapotty and went to use it and it was next to this guy's house and he came out and I wasn't sure if it was his or not so I asked if I could use it, and he was like "You know that's illegal.  That's a ticketable offense." And I was like "Using this?" and he was like "Chasing that turkey.  It's called harassing the wildlife.  It's illegal, you can get a ticket for that," and I was like, "Oh, sorry!" and then he lectured me some more, and I kept being like, "Okay, sorry, didn't know," and he kept lecturing me because apparently they were "kind of" his pets although he just lets them run through the streets I guess?  Anyway then he was like, "How would you like it if someone chased you?" and I was like, "Well I'd probably like it, but I'm a runner, and the turkey probably isn't, so I won't do it again."  Anyway after all the lecturing I decided not to use the toilet so I just joined back up with the chick and we started running again, and I really had to pee.  Finally like halfway through the run I told her to keep going, because I knew of a park with a toilet, so I bolted off to use it and then bolted back to catch up with was pretty tough; she was going low-9s pace but with running an extra .2mi or so and using the bathroom it took a good few minutes of hard running to catch back up before the next turn.


  1. Damn animal rights people. I honestly didn't think you meant you were chasing a literal turkey at first, I thought it was some bizarre running term I didn't know.

  2. Yeah I was thinking about it later and most pets actually do like to be chased. Chasing one's dog or cat around is playful fun, why not turkeys?
