Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chris - 3

26:51 - 8:57 pace

It's funny to me that it now makes me happy when I run under 9 minute pace for my training runs. Just call me Steve ;) lol juuuust kidding! I did an out and back and definitely picked it up on the way back without too much extra effort, so that was nice. I'm hoping to fast forward through a lot of the commercials during Game 1 tonight so I can get home earlier and go to bed.  I don't have premium cable so I have to watch all of the NBA Finals games at Jeeni's house, which she so graciously lets me do =)


  1. I was so sad to hear there is no more Seattle team!

  2. Did you not know that the Seattle Supersonics no longer exist?

  3. Not until yesterday or the day before when I asked a buddy who made it to the finals and I said "KC, what the heck?" Cause I used to be able to recite all the NBA teams by divisions (ya know, Bulls Bucks Cavaliers, etc) and that's when he told me about the demise of the 'sonics

  4. Man, Kemp on the Sonics, that was a sight!
