Sunday, June 17, 2012

Luke - 14.5

14.5mi, 1:55 (7:55)
Met a group of people at a grocery store near my house and we carpooled to Mount Pisgah.  Took some weird trails that I'd never be able to find again, had to ford a few streams, climb a couple fences, and just generally have an adventure.  A lot harder than a normal 14.5-miler (and that distance is a total estimate).  A couple miles from the end we were on a gravel road and there was a six pack of Blue Moon sitting on the shoulder; five were empty but there was a full one, so I grabbed it and took it home.  A nice souvenir for a fun run.


  1. I liked that you essentially destroyed Chris Breen's and my weekly totals in one run.

  2. That's so weird about the Blue Moon. I think it shows restraint that you only took the one!

  3. Replies
    1. That's almost weirder that they left a stray
