Friday, June 8, 2012

Lauren - 1.55

Running group added a fourth member today, Rebecca. R wasn't keen on the running, and I fell prey to her walking. The second she said, "I think I'll bring my bike next time," I nodded to her, wished her luck, and went back to running. The track was nice out. A deluge passed through last night, leaving everything crisp. The issue with rain and Houston is that the humidity likes to hang in the air, making my lungs curse in protest. First lap was the warm-up. I'm at a loss because yoga to warm up at home is a fair distance from the practice track with the team. Second lap left me feeling like rubbery, heavy jelly. My third lap was my strongest, and I could have kept going, but team had places to be and such. What's the verdict here? In the future, should I keep trucking if I feel healthy and able, sans team? Or should I call it a day in case of injuries? There's probably not a right answer here.


  1. That's really cool that you have a team - how did that group assemble?

    1. Oh, I see from an earlier entry - this is your 5k group! I had totally forgotten about that.

    2. Aye! The good news is that the extra member, R, has decided to suck it up and run anyway. She smoked me on Wednesday!

  2. Generally when I run I have a goal at the beginning, and if I decide to go over it during the run it's small, sensible increments. I remind myself I made the goal for a reason though when deciding what to do. Just because you decide to do an extension doesn't mean you need to keep going until you're completely exhausted.

    1. Excellent consideration. Next time, I will take that extra lap without a second thought.
