Sunday, June 30, 2013

Luke - 3.25

3.25mi, 23:57 (7:22)
Mile loops of 7:25 and 7:24.  Was going to run a bit later to allow my legs a little extra recovery after the past couple days, but I decided to go early after getting some good news that left me with some excited energy.  I'm not ready to share said news with everyone yet, but Steve, it doesn't have to do with running, and Alison, it doesn't have to do with a girl.


  1. when are you sharing said news?

  2. Does it have to do with work?

  3. Nothing to do with work. I'll share Monday I think.

  4. MAN. Ha, you know me well to put that disclaimer in because I was like "OMGOMGOMGOMG it's a girl." I'm sure it's just as good.
