Saturday, June 29, 2013

Luke - 5.5

5.5mi, 40 (7:16)
1.4-mile loop of Pre's Trail in 10:15.
Yesterday Zack and I, along with Zack's friends from the South and this girl Zack's been hanging out with lately, drove out to the Waldo Lake area for a hike.  The hike was ~3½ miles each way, pretty much all uphill on the way out and then just the same way back.  Since Zack's friends are runners we broke out into a run pretty often.  About a half mile in we started seeing snow, and a mile later we were going across huge drifts of the stuff.  Got some great views at the top and had a beer before heading down.  We were all hiking/running on the way down, and sliding down the snow.  Below the snow there were tons of mosquitoes, so I grabbed the keys and ran the rest of the way when I thought we were somewhat close.  I thought it was going to be like a half-mile, but it ended up being at least two.  It was pretty fun, but really tiring.  After everyone else got back we drove to Waldo Lake and quickly jumped in before heading back to Eugene.
So today's run I was pretty tired from the hike, plus we'd had breakfast an hour before and I had a lot, plus it was super-sunny and hotter than I'm used to.  So I was out of breath a lot and really struggling to keep up with Zack and his friend.  But I think this weekend of running will be good for me to get back into shape.

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