Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chris - 4.2

30:03 - 7:09 pace

Lunch run by myself. I'm not sure how I ran this fast because I didn't feel that good the entire run, and it was raining. The Mike guy I run with told me he ran that route in 27 last year....but I don't believe him. I told him if he's going to start telling me he's beating my times, he needs to get a watch.

splits: 15:49 - 14:13


  1. yikes thats a scorching pace...when's your next race?....

  2. No idea, hadn't planned for one in the near future. I'm not in good enough shape and my schedule is too up in the air week to week with basketball and other stuff going on.

  3. ok well once I'm able to best your 18:54, you might change your tune...
