Thursday, January 20, 2011

Steve - 2010 Running Summary

I just exported all my running logs for 2010 from to excel. Doing some quick analysis, I put together some statistics:

Total Miles Ran: 1044.09
Total Hours Ran: 146.3
Average Pace: 8:25 min/mile
Total Runs: 175
Avg Run: 5.96 miles
Median Run: 5.5 miles
Avg Monthly Miles: 87 miles
Median Monthly Miles: 79.8 miles
Avg Miles per week: 20.09 miles

This is probably the most I have run in a year. Here's hoping I can top all of these numbers next year...


  1. Nice, I'm still getting around to my post like this. Have like twenty old runs to post...

  2. Woooooooooooooah, great stats.

  3. added a chart of my weekly mileage for 2010
