Saturday, July 16, 2011

Chris - 4.17

41:05 - 9:51 pace

Ran with Patrick this morning before work. He works @ Platt with me but had the day off. He's a pretty thick guy but has started to get into running recently. Considering all the little hills around my house I thought we did a great job keeping a steady pace. He was sucking air pretty good after a particularly long and steep hill, but seemed to recover okay once we got to the top and hit the flat. Afterwards we played Call of Duty until I had to get ready for work. Great way to start the day!


  1. Does thick mean something other than stupid? It almost sounds like it means healthy or muscle-ey or something, from the context. Unless you mean smart people run. ;)

  2. Yeah thick like built. Like big due to muscle, not fat.

  3. That's very helpful to know. Thanks.
