Wednesday, July 27, 2011

James - 2.2


Very slow run, maybe due to bad sleep or too much recent pushing. Will having a low total this week (I only have 1 left if I stick to my two-days plan) allow me to bounce back up with the 4 runs next week? Or does that only work if you intend to take it easy and aren't just really knackered?

I ran out of the complex, all over the place of the complex next door, up the street and round the corner and back (or whatever nonsense I say because what do you guys know).


  1. Haha, I know I've been there! Those complexes are confusing; I got lost. Be careful out there so the same thing doesn't happen to you!

  2. Haha yeah, its tempting to push the boundaries of getting lost! The EDGE!
