Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Luke - 10.35

Fox Hollow plus the 1.6-mile loop at the top. Mostly felt good.

I get to do a Beer Mile on Thursday! Josh Gordon Facebook-invited me and now I am very excited. There are 28 people RSVPed, and a bunch are fast people, so I should have some competition and everything. I don't really have much leg speed right now, but I have leg strength, and drinking speed, and intestinal fortitude, so I should do all right. PR is 6:46, so A goal is sub-6 (would be miraculous), B and C goals are a win and a PR, D goal is to have fun. Oh and Chris if you want to come down you're certainly invited...one of the guys who's coming did an Ironman or 100-miler or something like that a week ago, so your recent marathon is no excuse (having to work on Friday might be legit).


  1. I'd love to come participate! Unfortunately I'm working 11-8 Tue-Sat this week. I do need to plan a trip to Eugene to come hang out before the summer is over though...

  2. You can't go wrong with "intestinal fortitude," I'd think.
