Thursday, July 7, 2011

Luke - 8.75

8.75mi, 70:24 (8:02)
Fox Hollow. I wouldn't say I'm in "bad" shape, since I have PRed a bunch this year and stuff, but after missing six days last week and a couple this week, this run felt like more of a struggle than any other run this year, I think. Times were not too bad, though, so my baseline fitness is still okay, and it shouldn't take much to get me back in great shape. 9:21 up, 6:52 down, 7:30-7:40 pace on Rexius on the way back.
The reason I missed Wednesday is that on Tuesday's barefoot grass running, I stepped on and was stung by a bee. It took a couple strides for me to figure out that it had happened, and when I checked it out the stinger was still in, but it wasn't too far in so I don't think I got quite as much poison as other times I've been stung. I took the stinger out and tried to squeeze out any poison I could...Wednesday my foot was a bit too swollen for me to run, but it was pretty okay by today.

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