Sunday, December 11, 2011

Luke - 13.75

13.75mi, 1:48:30 (7:53)
Drove out to the Blanton trailhead of the Ridgeline trail, but instead of taking the trail, Zack and I headed up the road. The run started with a little less than a mile uphill, and then about a mile of steep downhill. We got out to the highway where it was a little less hilly, but there were still lots of rollers. We took a wrong turn and ended up heading back into town a little ways before heading back out on the highway. I thought I figured out where we'd need to turn around to get exactly 15 miles without having to do the erroneous portion again on the way back, but I thought we'd gone 1.32 miles out and back, not 1.32 miles out and 1.32 miles back, so my math ended up not working out. Anyway we kept a pretty good pace on the way back, and when we got to the hill with a little less than two miles to go I sprinted up it eagerly and Zack followed. It was pretty fun pushing up such a steep hill. By the time we got back to the car it was really dark, so it was probably good that we didn't go the whole 15 as we'd planned.
The GPS info is here; it's a bit messed up because I pressed some buttons when we were crossing a road and ended up with a little extra time. I think there might have been a few hundredths of a mile that didn't go on there too but I'm just gonna round to the nearest quarter.