Saturday, December 3, 2011

Zack - 9.2 mi (10km race: 36:06. PR)

Minuteman 10 & 2 10km race in Alton Baker Park.

36:06 (5:49/mi): 5:46, 5:43, 6:03, 5:51, 5:52, 6:50 (5:42/mi). 2nd place.

A real breakthrough performance in this low-key race at Alton Baker Park. This was a massive 1:18 PR off of a huge training week. It was 34F and sunny at race time and I had been up until about 2AM the previous night and then woke up about 8AM. I was slightly concerned with having had about 5 glasses of wine and a few beers the night prior due to the tailgate and having people over. However, this was early in the afternoon and I had plenty of water/food so a hangover was not an issue.

There were a few people that jumped ahead of me early and I managed to reel them in after a steady 1.5 miles. One guy got away at about 1 mi and stayed consistently about 200m in front of me for the rest of the race. I was able to maintain my pace but didn't close on him. He ended up going 35:32 for the win. I also managed to break one of my "goals" on the right side of the page, so I will need to make another for the 10km!