Friday, March 4, 2011

James - 2.4


305 calories (apparently)

It's been two weeks. Alison and I have had the flu (or at least, she has. I have had something that is 'flu-like' based upon the fact that she actually went to a doctor and the doctor told her she had actual flu, and I've been feeling similar to her). I think we're on the way out of the chasm now though. I feel better after this run. For inspiration, I thought of Jane Lane, Daria's best friend who runs (any of you guys like Daria?) Alison got me the box set for my birthday a few weeks ago and I watched some before leaving.

Ran on the trail in the sun even though winter is pretty much over.


  1. Glad you're both feeling better!

  2. Thanks Chris!

    Uh, speaking of health, I hate to say this, but I had a dream that you um, died, so please watch your back! When defying automobiles and otherwise! It sucked!
