Friday, March 11, 2011

Luke - 6.5

22' w/u, 3000m @ 9:44, 14' c/d.
Time trial on the track. Splits: 76, 77, 77, 78, 77, 78, 79, 38. I was right about where I wanted to be...didn't feel great, but didn't feel too bad either. The wind was going, especially by the end, so it was whatever the opposite of wind-aided is. Wind-hindered. Windered.
On my warmup I passed a couple and heard the woman say, "...for Christmas, they each got a case of incandescent lightbulbs." So my question for you is: ...the fuck?


  1. Perhaps they're the kind of raging anti-environmentalists who aren't just content to not do anything for the environment, but have to actually go out of their way and take pleasure in being openly nasty bastards just to convince themselves there's no climate change cause we all know that's how science works. Fingers in ears: lalala!

    Or maybe someone found a stash of old lightbulbs and is giving them away as gifts. I'd approve of that.

    Good question.

  2. I dont mean you're a nasty bastard if you buy incandescent lightbulbs (there's too much fetishisation of CFLs saving the world anyway). I mean if you're the kind of person who would enjoy getting a box of them as a politically-charged Christmas present.
