Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Luke - 13

13mi, 92:07 (7:05)
Killed the butte. I was going to run it yesterday afternoon but I woke up too late to run at all. I decided to push back my schedule a day (it'll get back to normal on Saturday), so this afternoon I hadn't run since a very short run early yesterday morning. I felt good right from the start and decided to go with it. 8:15 up Fox Hollow. 51:49 at the top, and took a pit stop. Wanted to run 42:15 (6:30 pace) for the way back, but a few minutes later I got confused and thought I was trying for 41:15, and then a bit later I knew I had been at 51:xx at the top so I figured I should shoot for 93-flat overall so that I'd be near 41:30. Anyway, bombed down the hill...6:15 down Fox Hollow. Stomach started hurting a bit halfway down it; it came and went for the rest of the run. Rexius was real muddy but I hit a few splits of about 98 and then a couple around 92. At a mile and a half to go I knew 9:40 would get me under 93:00...hit 8:59 instead. Woo.

1 comment:

  1. damn 7:05! way faster than your usual butte time from what I can tell
