Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Luke - 10.75

10.75mi, 84:03 (7:49)
1.6-mile loop in 12:15, 1.4-mile loop in 10:58, 10:47, and 11:15.
I don't know if anyone else will find this funny, but: I came upon a couple on the side of the trail standing there talking, and all I caught as I ran past was the man saying to the woman, as serious as can be, "Yeah, well guess what, Raven, we're supposed to be looking out for each other, not picking on each other."


  1. I do find that funny. The funniest part to me is that the person's name is Raven. As some of you may know, there was a horrible show on TV a few years back that featured a talented actress with the same name! Let's go to the clip:

  2. Funny things here:

    1. Luke perfectly overhearing that part of the conversation.

    2. Steve sounding like a TV presenter: "Let's go to the clip."

    3. Teenage girl bites into what she calls "3 feet of wienery goodness."

    Teenage boy: "my pants are a little tight"

    ... you can't tell me that was a mistake.

    4. I watched the entire episode of that crappy show. I liked the eco/anti-fast food/anti-school privatization angle. But it was crappy.
