Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve - 3.42


Pretty slow. I was following the Tigers/Yanks gamecast on my phone while I ran though.


  1. I guess Yanks is short for Yankees? In any case, for a second there, I was very excited that a team might be called the yanks (ie. international slang for Americans).

  2. hah. yeh there is also the Boston Tories.

  3. Now that is just spectacular. Can't believe I didn't know that.

    In my journalism class last night we were reading a newspaper story about the Tampa Rays doing something special a few weeks ago and it involved whatever baseball team is from Boston. I was the only one in the room who had no idea what it was about. Pretty fun.

  4. It's the RED SOX! C'mon James...they're my favorite baseball team lol. The Rays and the Red Sox were tied with one game left in the season, and the Red Sox had an epic meltdown in the 9th inning and the Rays won on a 9th inning home run. It was TERRIBLE. Thanks for bringing it up, jerk. =P

  5. ...oops.

    There's some of that excitement that was in my classroom (but of the negative nature of course). Sorry Chris! I have no idea what you just said but I do believe that's the most loud you've become in person or online.

    And for more fun here's the article in question:

    "A white-haired, big bellied usher behind home plate raised his fists in the air."

    SPORTS! YEEEEEEEEEEEEAH! Beer nuts (I'm not sure what these are either).

  6. hah classic. yeh james I was totally pulling your leg with the Boston Tories thing. I was trying to think of a similar term to Yanks that referred to a group of people from England.

  7. Also, a "beer nut" is someone whose excessive beer-drinking causing him to lose his sanity...

  8. I can NOT believe I fell for that.
