Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Steve - 4.3125


Ran at the track with my friend in Santa Monica. He was doing a workout of 3 mile repeats at 6:25/mile pace before his marathon in early November. I decided I would run a few random 400s with him at this pace when he caught up to me running my slowish ~8:00/mile pace. I warmed up about a mile and then ran a 400 at 1:35. Foot felt ok. Ended up doing two more 400m jaunts with him. Foot held up, although I still feel some pain in there but seems like I can do a little bit of speedwork. I'm going to run a Halloween 5k this weekend...

10:18 1800m
1:35 400m
6:11 1200m
1:38 400m
7:53 1600m
1:30 400m
8:56 1100m
6900 m


  1. Also: you better do a run with a length that ends in .xx75 so I don't have to put four decimal places in your weekly mileage total.
    Also also: what are you going to dress as for your Halloween 5k??? And don't tell me you're not going to wear a costume. You're better than that.

  2. i was thinking of going as a slow runner/hobby jogger (since thats how fast i am now)

  3. didn't end up running cuz my whole right leg was tight from the speed work on Tuesday. might do a race that is 10 bucks cheaper next sunday. man, is it just L.A. or are races minimum 30, usually 35 for you guys too?

  4. In Eugene 5ks are usually about 20, 25 with a shirt. In that vicinity. That half Zack and I did last month was only $40, which is great for a half-marathon. The Eugene half is like $75 or something. Marathons are all ridiculous, you're lucky to find one under a hundred.
    The best way to do it here is to win every race you do, cause they usually give you comped entry to the next race for that.

  5. That's pretty sweet.

    I got an active.com Shwaggle deal of the day thing for a 5k for 18 bucks this weekend. I think ill do that one. It's a pretty good deal.

  6. It's on the USC campus and the cause is to fight prostate cancer. So you guys can all thank me in like 20 years (when it will be an issue for us) we'll have eradicated the disease.
