Sunday, October 23, 2011

Luke - 18

18mi, 2:08:45 (7:09)
67:45 out, 61:00 back
Went out to Springfield to run on a logging road with Zack and a bunch of fast people. There were 9 of us heading out together, plus two more who went a bit slower and a bit shorter. The first couple miles were reasonable, just over 8 and just under 8, and then we settled into 7:30s and a bit under by the turnaround. On the way back we sped up more, and the overall pace for the last 9 miles was about 6:45. I was struggling slightly the last third of the run, and especially the last mile or so, but didn't really fall off much.
It was great to get out there with such good runners, I think I was only faster than two guys (including Zack) and the one girl (who turned around at 7½). I had a gel at about 45 minutes in, and some Gatorade at about 45 minutes left. One of the guys brought his dog, who not only was fine for 18 miles at 7:09 pace, but also had a saddlebag pack with water, Gatorade, and some gels and stuff.
Afterward I was toast. That's the longest run I've done in I don't know how long, and at a very good pace even. I was really impressed with Zack, who also kept up with everyone the whole way. Post-run we had some great organic chocolate milk, and I had a giant ham sandwich for the protein. Then had a beer in the shower, which felt nice (although I really think we need to install a hot tub in the living room). I feel like I'll be pretty sore and tired all of today, and tomorrow morning's run will be slow, but I don't think I'll be out of it for any more than a day.


  1. Jesus Christ!

    Beer in the shower? Sounds erotic!

  2. Good run to you both! And beer in the shower is the best thing ever. James if you haven't tried it after a run you should do so soon.

  3. It'll be happening. Once I think I've earned it.
