Thursday, October 20, 2011

Luke - 5

24' w/u; 4x400m, 200r: 75, 78, 75, 75; 6' c/d.
Was hoping to do 8x400 at about 70, but instead everything was bad. I'd worked 4-4, and was dead tired when I got home, so I took a too-short nap and got up at 7:15, by which time it was dark out. Went to the bark loop where I usually warm up, and the lights were off, so I had to warm up on the track instead. It was dark, I was by myself, and my legs had no pop, so I did the four of them and then I was feeling dizzy so I headed home.
Glad I at least did a little bit of speed, as it has been a while and I want to start doing at least one interval workout every week. Zack and I are now on a group on Facebook for Eugene-area runners, where people share the workouts they're gonna do so people can join in. I think it will be a great way to get some really good workouts in, as a lot of the people in the group are faster than me (see Zack's post below).

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