Saturday, May 29, 2010

Luke - 7.5

10k relay leg, 35:01, team 4th place.
This will be a short recap because I gotta get to work. Zack handed off to me in 6th place in the relay, and 11th including the 20k runners. Looking at the results now, I see I had the fastest 10k split of anyone, but one of the 10k-alone runners beat my time (someone I beat at my last 5k, oddly enough). I passed three relay runners and four 20k runners during my leg. The trails were fun but my worn-out shoes had a tough time handling all the rocks and one point on my right foot felt like it was getting poked every 50m. The trails only lasted about half the leg before it went on to streets, so once I was on the asphalt I didn't have that to worry about any more. I definitely pushed the whole thing hard, especially the downhills. I was really pounding my legs coming down some steep inclines on asphalt, but man I was flying.
The field was really good this year, including Jenn Shelton (who you may remember from Once A Runner) and a few other pro ultra guys.
Hopefully Zack will give a little recap of his leg of the race. I think he underestimated how hard it was going to be--his pace was slower than even his easiest training runs. If we do it next year I think I'll be running the hard leg.


  1. Nice work Harriers. Sounds like there was some serious competition out there. Where was Jenn's companion from "Born to Run"? I'll let it slide that you said "Once a Runner" instead of "Born to Run" since they have similar titles and are both cherished books in the running community.

    35:01, wow that's moving. let's hope i can get within 4:58 seconds of that in 9 hours and 13 minutes.

  2. Ha oh yeah. Same thing.

    Good luck on your 10k!
