Friday, June 17, 2011

Luke - 10.35

10.35mi, 79:08 (7:38)
With Zack. Fox Hollow plus the 1.6-mile loop at the top. Our pace on the way out was slightly faster than usual...going up the hill I was a bit sluggish at first (halfway in 4:30) but then picked it up to finish in 8:30. The loop at the top is ridiculously beautiful, especially right now, and is also a very fun bit of trail...this is one of my favorite runs. Came down F.H. in 7:37, legs slightly too tired to be efficiently braking. On Rexius we were keeping up a pretty good pace, accelerating the whole time...we were down to about 7:20 pace and Zack kept picking it up so I went along as he got under 7-minute pace, and then with a half-mile of the trail left I said "Let's go" and passed him at better than 6:00 pace. I ran an 84 and then slowed up a bit and ran a 92, and he was only about five seconds back. It was a lot of fun, after 8 miles with hills. Took it pretty easy the last 1.5 miles, then watched the Mariners win, then ate the world.

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