Saturday, June 18, 2011

Luke - 4.6

4.6mi, 38:23 (8:20)
Ran right when I got up, because I'm doing two easy runs today. As I sluggishly headed out the door, I was deciding whether to do 4.25 (three Amazon 1-mile loops) or 3.8 (two Amazon miles and an Amazon k) but remembered that yesterday as we were heading out across the HS track, a coach I know told us there was a huge track meet that would be going all day today, starting at since I didn't feel like going through that to get to Amazon I decided to do the Ribbon Trail instead. A bit longer, and has a bunch of hills. Started out super slow but once I got to the trail I didn't feel too bad. Just took it as easy as I could and it went by quick. I like running.


  1. Where's the second run you liar

  2. Aw man I thought I made a post for it...I'll write it now.
