Sunday, June 19, 2011

Luke - 12

12mi, 95:54 (7:59)
Drove out to the country with Zack for a longish run. We were going to go a bit further away, and run a bit longer, but we drank a bit last night and got a late start this morning so we did this instead. The run was all along a road called Wolf Creek Road...started with 2+ miles of uphill, then had about a mile and a half of real gradual downhill, then basically flat the rest of the way until we turned around and came back the same way. We took it pretty easy for the first couple miles, since they were just uphill with no relief. 7:45s or so the rest of the way out (there were mile markers which seemed pretty accurate), then a bit faster on the way back. The hardest part was the very gradual mile and a half uphill on the way back which seemed to never end. Overall the run was a bit tough for various reasons but I felt like I recovered pretty quickly after finishing. On the way back we stopped for milkshakes.

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