Saturday, June 25, 2011

Luke - .75

.75mi, 5:52 (7:49)
Warning: this post is real gross and stuff.
Sooooooooooooo last Wednesday at the top of the hill I took a quick break into the woods for a pitstop...I thought I knew what poison oak looks like but apparently I need a refresher course, because I wiped with some. Everything was fine for a couple days and then it started to be the worst thing ever and I realized what I'd done. Friday it started itching a bit, but Saturday morning it was okay, and then by the time I needed to do this run it was just awful awful awful. It spread to my balls and they got huge and really really hurt...I tried to go out on this run but as you can see I made it 3/4 of a mile, swearing the whole way, and just could not go on. It got better then worse then better then worse over the next few days. I went to Seattle to catch a couple Mariners games on Tuesday 6/28 and Wednesday 6/29, and luckily it was pretty okay during that, but I didn't even take my running shoes with me. The next few days the pain and swelling and stuff was intermittent, and I was pretty much miserable most of the time, so I only got a couple runs in. I think it's getting better, but even now (7/5) there are times when it just gets blindingly painful...I can at least run now though.


  1. jesus man this sounds fucking horrible. some crazy stuff has happened to you with this and the uvula bee sting.

  2. Fucking hell!

    Even with the error in judgment I still admire the outdoor poo-and-wipe. I've used far too many port-a-potties lately when the woods might have been cleaner.
