Wednesday, November 2, 2011

James - 3.5


I had my first massage the day before this. It was a discount for 30 minutes. Felt pretty good after, though not sure if it's something I'd want to do much/again. Guy had some advice, said I should stretch more after the run than before, and sleep with a pillow under my knees to prevent back pain (though I normally sleep on my front, I've been trying it). And do quick stretches every morning and night. Guys?


  1. I do the pillow thing. I try to sleep on my back and put it under my knees. It's weird I get so used to it that when I travel I feel incomplete without it. Definitely agree on stretch after run, not before. I recently started doing this before running:

    Also, as an American male, I am obligated to add a homophobic remark about you getting a massage from a guy: "You got a massage from a dude?"

    Don't worry, I have gotten them too..

  2. No but your Mom did...

    (from me)

  3. Yeah and he was really old too!

    I think getting a massage from a woman would be far more awkward for me.

    Steve. Does having the pillow flat bend your knees enough, or do you need to fold the pillow or something?

  4. yeh it seems to work (without folding). i think the idea is when you elevate your legs, even slightly, it puts your spine in a more neutral position.

  5. thanks. yeah I have not been feeling the need to toss and turn as much so maybe this is helping me sleep too.
